Thursday, July 2, 2009

Scrapel Hill Art 1st Place Winner Now at Turning Point Gallery

On June 30, 2009, months worth of public votes from University Mall's Scrapel Hill Art Show were tallied and a winner was announced. Paul and Ginger Bauer's Shaker style clock entitled "RE:eVALUation" came in first place.

"RE:eVALUation" considers the element of time and features a functioning timepiece. The Bauers created it using the construction plans for a Shaker clock ("grandfather" style) from the early 1800's. Instead of following these plans in precise detail, they used various metal and plastic found objects incorporated into its design. "RE:eVALUation" will now be available exclusively at Turning Point Gallery. We hope you'll come by the gallery and see this magnificent piece for yourselves!

"We want to stress the urgent need to rescue our environment and that time is of the essence. With today's emphasis on how much one should accomplish in a day, we would like to create an object that makes people think about their hectic pace of life and how much is wasted each day. Constructing a time-related piece of art with re-purposed and recycled materials can emphazise the need to not waste time and valuable resources." -Paul and Ginger Bauer

The First Annual Scrapel Hill Art Contest and Exhibition of University Mall in Chapel Hill featured works by local artists created of recycled and non recyclable materials. Scrapel Hill Art was created to celebrate and inspire imagination and creativity within our community by utilizing and nurturing the arts. The donations yielded by voting were divided between The Chamber of Commerce to support Green Plus and The ArtsCenter for their scholarship program.